
This morning we presented our current state of research and gave a review of the last week to the class. After that, each of us got personal feedback from the mentors and class. Now it's just one week left until the end of the course. Thereby a good schedule for the remaining days is needed.

Short conclusion:
Last week really helped me to clear my focus. At the beginning, I started with a big scope of ideas & different directions & many solution-approaches. During the progress, I could scale down this mess to a for me useful topic, in which I can combine personal interests & also a personal relationship with my great-grandmother. After a field research about solutions for aged people, I found mostly stand-alone solutions for one specific problem. And here is a really important point for me.

Pretotype to findign specific problems & challenges

Where and how can my future solution or service help old people? My pretotype should help me with this question. With simplest interactions (press on a button) aged people can easily track their needs instantly. Difficult here is finding meaningful states of the button. More concrete: In which situations should the button be pressed?

Next steps

Roadmap and goals for this week:

  • Finish the book “Technology vs. Humanity” by Gerd Leonhard
  • Finish up a workable prototype for finding specific & relevant needs. «needs-tracker»
  • Finish up my 5-page essay.
  • Preparation of a short presentation for the last two weeks