
In this step, the goal was to declare possibilities ways of an investigation into the scenario «making the daily routine of elderly people more comfortable & enjoyable». Here I fall back on some popular IDEO methods and strategies. With these methods, I tried to create a possible linear process for a step by step investigation.

Possible linear process

This could be a possible linear process to gathering deeper into the topic.

  • Shadowing: Tag along with elderly people to observe & understand their day-to-day routines and interactions.
  • Finding problems/challenges: Figuring out where and in which situations is exactly the struggle?
  • Character profiles: Based on observations of different people. The goal is to create character profiles, which show details of their behavior or lifestyle.
  • Different environments: Do they live alone in their own home? Do they live in a rest-home? How can I adapt the service on several environment-settings?
  • Social network mapping: Where are the most important social relationships? How do they have an impact on the life?
  • Draw the experience: Visualisation of the results through drawing and transform data in a visual output.
  • Prototyping: Building simple prototypes & test it on a specific target group.
  • Checking reactions: Especially the reactions of different types of computer-assistance (display, voice, other media?)
  • Scale it up: Scale up the system to involve different touchpoints. (could include family, care-takers etc.)
  • Determine solutions: Finding best approaches. What will work? What won't? And what has really an impact?