
Today was the kick-off of the BA concept seminar weeks. After a short introduction from Joelle and Antonio, we open up our thesis with a first exercise. We started with gathering 20 ideas in one hour which relate to our chosen topic. It was not so easy to come up with 20 different ideas in such small time gap. So I really concentrate on three of my most interesting topics.

For my main topic I decided to go in the field of «computer-based assistance», especially for human purposes. Of course, that represents a really big topic with countless application possibilities. As a first step, I tried to figure out a smaller scope. For that, I predefined three sub-topics, that interest me very much and where I can imagine to work for serveral months.

  • Smart-living systems

    Smart-living system is a huge trend that has not just started yesterday, but it has steadily expanded its scope in recent years. Especially in the field of IoT (Internet of Things), communication-enabled systems are constantly evolving. All these devices are going smart, networked and communicative. How can these devices be used? For which specific situations or goals?

  • Safety in urban space

    I thought about a system that creates more safety in traffic situations. Our known urban space strong related to the traffic-section will probably change significantly in the future. Autonomous driving is a big deal. Not only the drivers will be affected by these changes, all other participants as well. How will look the communication between all these participants and how to avoid dangerous situations?

  • Transportation in future

    I think the whole structure of transportation is in change. The number of packages increases constantly. I think that brings us a lot of new challenges. Exciting aspects for me as an interaction designer could go in areas of new tracking procedure, ensure security and care solutions or general a better and smarter availability.

Decision / Specification

There is an image in my mind of an intelligence smart-living system, especially for aged people, which depend on help from others. I came up with this idea while thinking about my 98 years old great grandmother. In this age, the simplest tasks, like going to the telephone, remember birthdays and other events require a big effort for her.
We need several apps or other services for that. But for elderly people, it's not that easy. For example, my grandmother hasn't a mobile for her whole life. So it has to be a system, which could make her day more comfortable and which perfectly matched to people like her. For example, she could interact with the system in case of an emergency. But also for everyday things (like a reminder to take their medicine, remember important phone-numbers & events. Simple things like brush teeth or storing personal information. The system can be developed for their personal needs and their personal daily rhythm. The goal is that they can configure it by themselves but there needs also to be an interface for caregivers. For that, it needs a very good and clear UI. Maybe that could go further thought than just a simple display.